Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Missy Margera

help open the vent. 'It's mostly bothersome. It's not carbon monoxide, it's sewer gas,' said Missy Newbury, Minot Plumbing and Heating. 'We've been getting calls about it. We won't tell anybody to climb on the roof to clear a vent.

Is Missy Margera Cheating on Bam? Did Bam cheat on her?

I cant find anything about it online. I heard somewhere that she did with some guy david hill or something and then i heard another one that Bam made a porno with some chick during their marriage. I dont know what to believe. I need proof. I dont wanna believe it! They were so perfect. I know they arent getting a divorce. Do you have any idea what would trigger these events???

Please Help

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